Tag Archives: shopaholic

More on Spending Practices that will put you in Debt

Acting like a Spoiled Brat is a third practice that could lead to unnecessary debt.

I am not a psychologist but I just look at practical situations.  Look at the action of children as they grow up.  Initially, they have to get what they want when they want it.  A hungry infant will not stop crying until fed.  As the baby grows older, he will insist on getting what he wants always to the point of selfishness.   It is up to the parents to train their child that he cannot get everything he wants all the time, especially if what he wants is not good for him or for those around him.  A child who is not disciplined is labeled a “spoiled brat.”  Unfortunately, many children grow up to be adults without learning the important lessons of patience and discipline.  Some adults have to get what they want and continue to be “spoiled brats.”

These adult “spoiled brats” tend to translate their bad trait into bad spending habits.  Some become shopaholics.  A shopaholic feels like he has to treat himself to be happy.  It would be good if he were terribly rich and could afford all the shopping.  But for most, the excessive shopping leads to eventual lack of money and worse, credit card debt.  Just like an alcoholic, a shopaholic will have moments when he realizes the hole he is digging for himself but it will be difficult to stop digging the hole.  He has to really change himself. He has to realize that shopping can no longer make him happy because it has led to problems that lead to his unhappiness.  Anyone who lacks money or is in credit card debt will always be unhappy.  There will be so many people running after him to pay his debts.  Can anyone be happy when he knows so many people are running after him to get his money?

A shopaholic has to find another way to make himself happy.  Even if it means consulting with a psychiatrist, he must do it immediately before he creates bigger problems for himself and for his family.  If he doesn’t, he will be forced to learn his lesson the hard way.  Usually, the shopaholic with a limited budget will end up feeling so miserable because he is being hunted by credit card companies.  He will be forced to pay for the purchases that are probably not useful anymore and worse, he no longer has the money nor the credit to go shopping.