Tag Archives: colayco foundation seminars

Wealth-filled Messages from the “Pera Mo, Palaguin Mo” Workshop

by: Francisco J. Colayco

Last Saturday, the Colayco Foundation team and I held a “Pera Mo, Palaguin Mo” Workshop to almost 100 people at the Development Academy of the Philippines Building in Pasig City. I was astounded with the number of people in attendance. Even if it was a Saturday, they took the opportunity to start taking charge of their personal finance. It was an exhausting day for us. Nevertheless, it was fulfilling for us to see so many people learning and enjoying from the workshop.

After the event, we received some personal messages from our participants. I would like to share some of their thoughts with you.

Here are other letters from our participants:

It always makes us happy to be able to ignite a spark of change in our participant’s lives. I always said that becoming wealthy is an obligation to everyone. If you are wealthy, you will not just be able to help yourself better. You will be able to contribute more to your family, community, and country.

I hope you will join us in our financial seminars. For the schedule of our upcoming seminars, please visit www.colaycofoundation.com!